Saturday, June 17, 2017

Introductory Post

Hello there! My name is Eric Burke and I want personally welcome you to my blog. I'm so excited to have you! I'm new to the blogging scene so this may not be what some considers a "typical blog" but I look at  that as a good thing. The way I see it, typical is ordinary, ordinary is boring. Who wants to read a boring blog? That being said, I hope my unorthodox, quirky approach quenches your reading desires.

Look at me, rambling on about my writing style. I almost forgot the whole reason I'm here writing this and you are reading it! Allow me to re-introduce myself. I am Eric Burke and I currently going into my Junior year at Texas Christian University. I was born and raised on the south side of Chicago, IL and I am very proud of where I'm from and how far I've come.

I'm going to spare you the rest of the generic "about me" information and give you some important intel about me. First of all, I am DEATHLY afraid of heights. That is my greatest weakness because I will go into a frozen, tearful state when I am faced with a situation where I am more than 20 feet off the ground. However, airplanes and flying I am fine with because I've been traveling ever since I was a wee-lad. The second thing is that I am a HUGE sports fan. I put huge in caps along with deathly in hope to get across to you how serious I am about that. Sports alone is a large part of my life and I plan on attending several games in Europe. Thirdly, I am VERY spontaneous. I'm not one to calculate every move I make because I believe life is about taking risks. Not in a scary sense or any height-related risk such as sky diving. I'm more talking about risks as in trying something new, go to a random country for a few days. So if you ever need someone at the last minute to go somewhere or do something, I'm your man.

Alas, this is where I shall end my first post. I apologize if you find this blog boring or dumb or a waste of time. I am happy to take any complaints at the following email: (Unless you are Dr. Steele, then I am more than happy to take suggestions and criticism) For the rest of you though, use the email. Before I go, my mother is worried sick about me heading to London because of recent events so I am attaching this picture because I love her and this is the only picture she approved.

See you all next time!
Eric Burke

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